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    Question ID:   4433         Current Version: 2
Question: How can I make my pc faster when opening an application?
Category: Computers > Software
Keywords: open, application, software, make, faster, pc, computer
Type: how
Rating:(1 ratings)    Views: 439    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


There are a few things you can do to keep your computer operating quickly and efficiently.  You can use any of these methods in combination with each other, but using all of them would definitely maximize your performance.


NOTE:  This only applies to PC's running Windows Operating Systems.  Apple users ignore this information!


  • MSConfig:  This windows application allows you to select which programs you want to boot up whenever you turn on your computer.  If you have a lot of icons loaded in your "tray" that you don't use, then this method will definitely show some improvement.  NOTE:  The "tray" is the area on the Windows bar next to the time display.
Click Start > Run... > Type "msconfig" into the command box.  This will bring up the System Configuration dialog.  Click on the "Startup" tab near the top of the bar.  The items checked in this list are the programs that will load when you start your computer up.  You can uncheck any items that you want, and you can even uncheck them all and it will not harm your computer.  I would recommend you leave any anti-virus or anti-spyware programs checked so that you still have a form of protection.  Reducing the amount of programs you load in the startup tab will increase your boot times and possibly improve overall processing speed when using applications.
  • Anti Spyware and Anti Virus Software:  This is self explanatory.  Check to be sure that your antivirus and anti spyware software are up to date and you regularly scan your computer for infections

  • Task Manager:  Whenever you are using a specific application that you want to run more efficiently, you can open up the task manager to set what is called Processor Priority.  To open the Task Manager, Press and hold Control + Alt + Delete.  Once you have brought up the Task Manager, click on the tab labaled Processes.  Now make sure you open the application that you want to run quickly.  After you've opened the application, click on the "Image Name" tab to sort the processes alphabetically.  You should be able to find the process associated with your application since they typically start with the same letter.  Once you've found your particular process, right click on the process name and mouse over the Priority option.  Set the priority to High.  This tells your processor to save ample computing power to be dedicated to your application.

I hope this information helps!  Good luck!
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