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    Question ID:   439         Current Version: 2
Question: What are the health benefits of golf?
Category: Sports & Recreation > Golf
Keywords: golf, sports, health benefit, exercises, good for, relaxing, physical
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 575    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Don't doubt that golf is actually good for your health. Many people including experts and golfers think so; they also advise that you should walk the golf course.

There's a common fallacy that golf is a non-exercise sport. "Sure," you say, "there's a bit of walking, but if you're riding in a cart and just swinging a little club around, how much exercise is that, really?"

You'd be surprised. Golf has many health benefits that benefit young as well as old, men and women alike. It's one of the most popular sports in America today, and our population is likely a bit healthier for it. One of the main benefits to golf is the fact that it is both fun and relaxing. Whether you just want to have a really fun day with your friends and family, or if you are looking to have a nice vacation, golf can do a lot of great things for your body, both physically and emotionally. For example, you can get exercise simply by walking the golf course.

If you are looking for a great way to spend time with your family and friends, golf is a great option for you. In fact, the majority of people who play golf do it for social purposes! Spending a day out on the golf course is a great way to connect with customers, prospects, business associates, family members, or relatives.

Golf can help relieve your stress, which will probably make you feel happier all around. Chances are that by playing a round of golf, you will also have a better sense of well being.

The health benefits of golf are numerous:

  • Golf is good for cardiovascular fitness. When people walk a golf course, they will derive all the benefits of walking, along with the extra benefits of golf. Walking is the basic of all exercises. When you walk your entire 18-hole course, you are walking nearly 5 miles. There's enough benefit from the walking you will do from the cart to the hole.
  • Strength and flexibility. A golf club can be an excellent strength builder, building flexibility, agility and coordination.  These are important qualities one should develop when you're young, so it's absolutely essential to develop and protect as one gets older.
  • Aging. As we get older, it's harder to get up earlier and do exercises in the morning.  For some it becomes difficult to walk up stairs. The flexibility you develop through golf, and the strength you get from the walking, and other movements will help you age more gracefully and likely more healthfully. Many doctors prescribe golf to older patients who don't get enough exercise.
  • Psychological. Researchers report a benefit to mood and overall psychological health to people who get enough sun, particularly in the winter. The sunshine can help improve one's mood, and it is also good for your body. If you think you suffer from a seasonal mood disorder, getting a bit of sun and a bit of outdoor activity can prove to be a big boost to your mood and overall psychological well-being. 
  • Better sleep. Experts say you sleep better when you get regular physical activity, you will sleep well after your physical activity, not only for the young, but also for the old.

If you carry your own golf clubs, you will get even more of a health benefits from golfing. If you are looking for a great way to gain strength, this can help you if you do it on a regular basis.

While this may not sound like a strenuous workout, it will help you get more in shape if you do not regularly do not take part in this type of activity.

Emotionally, golfing can also be very beneficial to your body. It is because play golf will give you a feeling of accomplishment. When one getting involved in some activities or having a hobby generally makes people feel better about them, also you will be feeling good about yourself once you have mastered this sport.

From the above, you can see, there are a lot of different benefits to playing golf. Whether you want to feel better physically or emotionally, try playing this fun and relaxing sport.

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