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    Question ID:   4380         Current Version: 2
Question: What are the benefits of going to church?
Category: Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality
Keywords: spirituality, religion, benefits, go to, church
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 684    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  

There are many benefits of going to church, whether on Sunday or Bible studies and prayer meeting. Here are a few of them:

1. We are all spiritual beings. Inside of us, we are hungering to know more about the spiritual matters. We go to church to worship an Almighty God who not only created us, but He also enjoy our worshipping Him. When we worship God, we are lifted up in our spirits and we feel the love overflow from God to us.

2. We go to church to sing praises and give thanks to Him. Everyday, we take for granted that God looks after us. Just as a father looks after his children, God looks after us, His children everyday. He send His angels to take care of us. So we go to church to give Him thanks and praises.

3. We go to church to receive His words. God use the pastors to speak to His people. Therefore all pastors are ordained and called by God to preach. They first receive God's words, then these words are passed along to the people who come to worship.

4. We go to church for "Koinia" which means fellowship. We are a community of people who gather together as a family. We see each other every Sunday, we enjoy speaking to each other, we eat lunch (love feast) together, and we enjoy seeing each other like a family. A church is a family of God's children. We all know each other and call each other "brothers and sisters" in Christ. Just like a family, if one person is hurting, we all feel it and pray for that person. Because we love and we care as a family, we do nice things and have fun together. Therefore, we have many activities that show we are a family. For example, we go to Washington DC together, we have picnic together, we have Christmas banquet, etc.

5. Our children join our worship, such as children's sermon time, to show them that they are part of the church family. We encourage parents to bring their children because they will grow up fast. When they are young, they have the worship, Sunday School, and fellowship experience at church, then when they grow up they will want to continue to go to church to worship God.

6. We go to church to learn the knowledge and gain wisdom from the Bible. The Bible is an all-around encyclopedia of life. In the Bible we can glean the Truth about life. We go to church to hear the Truth about Life and commitment to a Spiritual journey from lessons learned in Sunday School. For example, we learn "Companions in Christ" where we know we are not walking the spiritual journey alone. We have Jesus Christ who walks with us every step.

7. We go to church to worship and get a little taste of what heaven is like. Heaven is a wonderful place where all God's children can draw near to God through worship. Every Christian who is growing spiritually can tell you,
going to church is a necessity. If for one Sunday you missed church, you missed all the above seven experiences. Christ Jesus also told us that "we are not to stop worshipping." If you stop worship is just like you go hungry without food. We need both the physical food/nourishment as well as the spiritual food/nourishment.

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