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    Question ID:   437         Current Version: 2
Question: What kind of diet should a diabetic choose?
Category: Diseases & Conditions > Diabetes
Keywords: health, disease, condition, diabetes, diet, food, eating
Type: what
Rating:(1 ratings)    Views: 709    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


                               If you are a diabetic it is critical for you to pay close attention to your diet because healthy eating helps to reduce your blood sugar and wise food choices are a foundation of diabetes treatment. So you can find a registered dietitian to help you design a meal plan. There are some suggestions for diabetics:


First, limit sweets and be careful about the carbohydrates you eat

A diabetic's diet should contain complex carbohydrates. Avoid or take little simple carbohydrates which include things like sweets, candies, sweet drinks etc. because they are rapidly absorbed and digested. And When choosing foods with sugar, choose fresh fruits, but eat in moderation.  Complex Carbohydrates include whole wheat or wholegrain breads, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, beans, oats and most vegetables and fruits which can keep the patients sugar levels stable. 

Second, eat less fat.

For diabetics special attention should be paid to the fats in food because the management of cholesterol is done according to the amount of fat taken into the body. You should avoid hard margarine and fast food which contain saturated fats and trans-fatty acids and take monounsaturated fat such as virgin olive oil or canola oil. 

Third, limit your use of alcohol

A diabetic should also notice the consumption of alcohol. Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes the best solution would be to avoid it altogether.  Because if you drink too much of it, it can quickly throw off your sugar-levels. You can otherwise drink it in moderation but especially avoid alcohol on an empty stomach.

Fourth, eat lots of whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables

Fiber is an important part of many diabetic diets. It is mainly contained in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, beans and peas, etc. Other sources include whole grain breads and brown ricebeans all of which have great advantages for the heart and for healthy cholesterol levels.

So for diabetics you should stick to a healthy eating habit which can help more efficiently treat their disease condition and the more they know and do , the better you will be in maintaining a good health.

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