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    Question ID:   4253         Current Version: 2
Question: Are there any tips on how to write a good and effective email advertisement?
Category: Business & Finance > Advertising & Marketing
Keywords: tips, guide, principle, write, good, effective, email, advertisement, ads
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 223    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  

Every email message you write will be sent to a your potential customers, those you need to make your business live.

Create your catchy Subject with ACTION WORDS.

Your reader will never plan to reader your email. Their time is important. Keep to the point. Be concise and clear.

Keep line length short. Don't make people scroll to read your messages. Break the line if the email program does not automatically wrap word.

Make absolutely no spelling mistakes or typos. They can label you as unprofessional, careless, and sloppy.

Try different subject lines and select one that can stop readers and draw their attention. Then, your first sentence must hook them, followed by the next sentence with your BIG PROMISE. Put details in the promise in order to be believable. Use words that create excitement, curiosity, motivation and above all action!

Remember to include your URL to draw readers to your website.

HTML was for Web pages, not e-mailing. Always test your HTML email with different email programs with multiple browsers to make sure it appears as you planned.

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