Question: |
How were fireworks invented? |
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Society & Culture > Holidays & Traditions |
Keywords: |
fireworks, history, invent, discover |
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any |
Rating: (1 ratings) Views: 1469 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Some sources say that the discovery of fireworks occurred about 2,000 years ago, and other sources place the discovery sometime during the 9th century during the Song dynasty.
The most prevalent legend has it that fireworks were discovered or invented by accident by a Chinese cook. He happened to mix together three ingredients commonly found in the kitchen - charcoal, sulphur and saltpeter. The cook noticed that, when ignited, the three ingredients burned viciously with a considerable force. The cook apparently also discovered that if these same ingredients were enclosed and then ignited, the combination exploded rather than burned, producing a loud bang. The chemical gunpowder spread throughout the world. There are many uses of gunpowder, in Europe were mainly used for canons during war. While the Europeans were using gunpowder for war, the Chinese used it for firecrackers and fireworks.
Fireworks have been used to celebrate important events for quite a long time. Nowadays, fireworks are launched with compressed air rather than gunpowder where the display shell explodes in the air using an electronic timer. This helps to reduce fumes and improve the accuracy in height and timing.
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How were fireworks invented?
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