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    Question ID:   4123         Current Version: 1
Question: How hot can it get in Flagstaff, Arizona?
Category: Science > Weather
Keywords: hot, summer, temperature, Flagstaff, Arizona
Type: how
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 419    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

Flagstaff, Arizona is located at an elevation of around 7000 feet. Because of this fact, temperatures in the summer tend to be significantly cooler than in much of the rest of Arizona. In fact, many people tend to be surprised by the weather conditions they encounter when visiting Flagstaff. Flagstaff's elevation of 7000 feet assures a variety of weather including cool winters and mild pleasant summers, with considerable diurnal temperature changes (the difference between daily maximum and minimum temperatures). But, how warm does it actually get in Flagstaff?

Weather records have been taken in Flagstaff since September 9, 1898. Therefore, we have about 100 years of weather records to look back at to see what a 'typical' summer in Flagstaff is like. The average high temperature in Flagstaff during the month of July is 81.9oF, but the average low temperature is a cool 50.5oF. Temperatures can dip down into the 40s and even into the upper 30s on rare occasions during the summer.

How many days per year does Flagstaff reach 90 degrees?

On average, Flagstaff will receive 59 days during the summer with afternoon high temperatures reaching at least 80 degrees. Of those, 22 days will reach at least 85 degrees. How many days per year does Flagstaff reach 90 degrees? Flagstaff will reach 90 degrees or warmer four times during the typical summer.

Does Flagstaff ever get heat waves?

Flagstaff can have extended periods of hot weather (although certainly not as warm as what people in Phoenix experience!). The longest stretch of consecutive days where the temperature reached 85 degrees or warmer was 22 days set between June 10 - July 1, 1974. More recently, the longest stretch of consecutive days with maximum temperatures of 90 degrees or warmer was established with 11 days straight of 90 degrees or warmer weather between June 21 - July 1, 1990.

During the summer of 1974, the temperature reached 90 degrees or warmer 15 days, with 14 of those occurring in the month of June. The temperature was 85 degrees or warmer on 48 days that year, 21 of which occurred in the month of June. The summer of 1974 was a hot time in Flagstaff for sure!

So what is the highest temperature ever recorded in Flagstaff?

So, when did the highest temperature occur in Flagstaff? If you guessed 1974, I'm sorry to say you'd be wrong. It actually occurred the summer previous to that, on July 5, 1973. On that day, clear skies and light westerly winds led to an afternoon high temperature of 97 degrees. This was after an early morning low temperature of 51 degrees. Therefore, the temperature (at least in the last 100 years of record keeping) has never officially reached 100 degrees in Flagstaff. However, at slightly lower elevations, the temperatures have reached 100 degrees in communities surrounding Flagstaff. 

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