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    Question ID:   4119         Current Version: 1
Question: What is cranberry used for as complementary and alternative medicine and what are the possible side effects and cautions?
Category: Health & Beauty > Medicine
Keywords: urinary tract infection, dental plaque, bog, alternative medicine, herb, American cranberry
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 460    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  



Cranberries are the fruit of a native plant of North America. These red berries are used in foods and in herbal products.

Common Names--cranberry, American cranberry, bog cranberry

Latin Name--Vaccinium macrocarpon

What It Is Used For

  • Historically, cranberry fruits and leaves were used for a variety of problems, such as wounds, urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems.
  • Recently, cranberry products have been used in the hope of preventing or treating urinary tract infections or Helicobacter pylori infections that can lead to stomach ulcers, or to prevent dental plaque. Cranberry has also been reported to have antioxidant and anticancer activity.

How It Is Used

The berries are used to produce beverages and many other food products, as well as dietary supplements in the form of extracts, teas, and capsules or tablets.

What the Science Says

  • Some studies testing cranberry products for their ability to prevent urinary tract infections have shown promise. These studies have generally been small in size, and some were not randomized or controlled; therefore, the results are not conclusive.
  • Cranberry products have not been adequately tested to see if they can be used to help treat an existing urinary tract infection.
  • Research shows that components found in cranberry may prevent bacteria, such as E. coli, from clinging to the cells along the walls of the urinary tract and causing infection. However, the mechanism of action of cranberry is not fully understood.
  • NCCAM, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research are funding studies to understand whether and how cranberry might work to:
    • Prevent urinary tract infection
    • Prevent the formation of dental plaque

Side Effects and Cautions

  • Eating cranberry products in food amounts appears to be safe, but drinking excessive amounts of juice could cause gastrointestinal upset or diarrhea.
  • People who think they have a urinary tract infection should see a health care provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. Cranberry products should not be used to treat infection.
  • It is important to inform your health care providers about any herb. A plant or part of a plant used for its flavor, scent, or potential therapeutic properties. Includes flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, stems, and roots. or dietary supplement. A product that contains vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and/or other ingredients intended to supplement the diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special labeling requirements for dietary supplements and treats them as foods, not drugs. you are using, including cranberry. This helps to ensure safe and coordinated care.

Original Source: US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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