Question: |
Where do squirrels build their nests? |
Category: |
Science > Zoology |
Keywords: |
squirrel, nest, home, live, build |
Type: |
where |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 711 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Squirrels belong to the order "Rodentia", with 1650 species. It is the largest group of living mammals. It also comprises forty percent of all present day mammal species.
There are over 365 species of squirrels in seven families. They include the tree squirrel, ground squirrel, and flying squirrel, as well as many squirrel-like mammals such as the gopher, ground hog and prairie dog.
Squirrels usually build their nests at the top of a tree with just sticks and leaves. The Interior of the nest is often lined with fur, feathers or other soft material for comfort. The reason they build their nests high is to protect themselves from ground predators. However, the nest should not be too high otherwise it will be destroyed by the winds. Squirrels will also build a nest in a hollowed-out tree cavity.
The gray squirrel has been known to build a nest in many unusual places, in an attic or a crawl space seems to be the most common. Squirrels have also built nests in automobiles, chimney's, barbecue grills and under porches.
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Where do squirrels build their nests?
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