Question: |
What is heat wave and how to cope with it? |
Category: |
Science > Weather |
Keywords: |
prepare, deal, cope with, humidity, hot, extreme, heat wave |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 408 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
A heat wave is an extended period of extreme heat, and is often accompanied by high humidity. These conditions can be dangerous and even life-threatening for humans who don't take the proper precautions.
- Prepare for a heat wave by checking to see if your home's cooling system is working properly.
- Make sure your home is well insulated and that you have weather stripping around your doors and window sills to keep the cool air inside.
- Plan on being inside a cool building during the hottest time of the day.
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activities.
- Make sure you remain properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water and limiting intake of alcoholic beverages.
- Eat light, well-balanced meals.
- Dress in light, loose-fitting clothing.
- Never leave children or pets alone in a closed vehicle.
Stay informed about the types of medical conditions that can result from heat waves, and the proper First Aid measures that should be taken.
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What is heat wave and how to cope with it?
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