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    Question ID:   3889         Current Version: 1
Question: Are there any cheap dates to keep my marriage strong?
Category: Family & Relationships > Marriage & Divorce
Keywords: cheap, date, idea, keep, happy, marital relationship, healthy marriage
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 275    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Time spent having fun together is a must for a healthy marriage. Check out these inexpensive ideas for some valuable one-on-one.

  1. Look in your own backyard
    Keep plugged in to your community. Check your community Web sites or local newspaper for free events like outdoor festivals or concerts and plan a day around it. Pack your own snacks and have a ball!

  2. Go on a picnic
    Scout a romantic, scenic location. Pack sandwiches, grab a blanket and go.

  3. Go antiquing or garage sale-ing
    Find your local antique shops. Or get up early on a Saturday and visit garage sales. Take $5 along with you, in case you find something you just have to have. Or better yet – buy each other a present.

  4. Find an arcade
    Save up your extra change for a couple of weeks. Then, take your quarters to an arcade and have a skeeball contest.

  5. Be a kid
    Go to your local playground and push each other on the swings. Maybe you’ll get a kiss under the jungle gym!

  6. Be one with nature
    Take a hike or, if you are lucky enough to live near the ocean, go to the beach!

  7. Sport it up!
    Play Frisbee, ride your bikes, have a free-throw contest, play catch. Not into competition? Make it a “no rules/no score” day and play for fun!

  8. Share your knowledge (and your love!)
    Know something that your spouse doesn’t? (We’d all like to think so, right?) Spend a day respectfully teaching each other a new skill. Reward each other for accomplishing that skill – in any manner you choose!

  9. Tour a local museum
    Museums often have at least one day of the week that is discounted or free.

  10. Make a memory
    Do any of the above things, or any other fun dates you can think of. Buy a disposable camera and take turns documenting your day. Take it to a one-hour shop and voila – instant memories.

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