Question: |
What is meant by "moderate, regular" physical activity? |
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Health & Beauty > Fitness and Nutrition |
Keywords: |
health, walking, exercise, regular, meaning, moderate, physical activity |
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what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 793 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
We often hear that “moderate, regular” physical activity is key to good health. But what exactly do “moderate” and “regular” mean? And for that matter, what counts as “physical activity?”
The term “physical activity” refers to any body movement produced by our muscles that results in energy expenditure. These activities can be light, such as walking casually -- less than three miles per hour; moderate, such as walking three to 4.5 miles per hour; or vigorous, such as walking five miles per hour, jogging or running.
Moderate physical activity is considered “regular” if it is practiced five or more days of the week.
The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend a minimum of 30 minutes per day of moderate-intensity activities for general health benefits. However, in order to lose weight, and keep the lost weight off, strive for 60 to 90 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week.
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What is meant by "moderate, regular" physical activity?
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