Question: |
Can you tell me how I could learn about occupations in some common industries? |
Category: |
Job & Careers > Career Counseling |
Keywords: |
outlook, nature, earning, occupation, employment, working, condition, common, industry |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 485 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Natural resources, construction, and utilities
- Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Aerospace product and parts manufacturing
Chemical manufacturing, except pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
Computer and electronic product manufacturing
Food manufacturing
Machinery manufacturing
Motor vehicle and parts manufacturing
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
Steel manufacturing
Textile, textile product, and apparel manufacturing
Automobile dealers
Clothing, accessory, and general merchandise stores
Grocery stores
Wholesale trade
- Air transportation
- Truck transportation and warehousing
Internet service providers, web search portals, and data processing services
Motion picture and video industries
Publishing, except software
Software publishers
Financial activities
Securities, commodities, and other investment
Professional and business services
Education, health care, and social services
Leisure and hospitality
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
Food services and drinking places
Hotels and other accommodation
Government and advocacy, grantmaking, and civic organizations
Advocacy, grantmaking, and civic organizations
Federal Government
State and local government, except education and health
To learn more about some of common jobs, please visit "Can anyone tell me how I could learn about the careers of some common jobs?".
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Can you tell me how I could learn about occupations in some common industries?
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Question ID: ${} Current Version: ${question.version} |
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by ${k.createdByNickname} ${k.createdDate} [reply]