Question: |
What is methane hydrate? |
Category: |
Science > Chemistry |
Keywords: |
natural gas, ice, cage, forzen, methane hydrate |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 456 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Within the last decade, research has shown that immense amounts of natural gas are concentrated in frozen, ice-like methane hydrates within the top several hundred meters of sediment in deep water on the continental margins of the United States , from the Gulf of Mexico to the Alaska arctic. Methane hydrates - molecules of natural gas trapped in an ice cage - are a fascinating substance that may provide inexpensive, plentiful, and clean energy. Once processed, the natural gas from methane hydrates is virtually identical to the natural gas we use at home.
Methane hydrates may be a great source of natural gas for the future. Worldwide natural gas resources are only about 13,000 trillion cubic feet and worldwide natural gas reserves are about 5,000 trillion cubic feet. Methane hydrates may represent about 742,000 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In the United States alone, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates there to be 200,000 trillion cubic feet of methane hydrate deposits.
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What is methane hydrate?
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