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    Question ID:   3608         Current Version: 1
Question: What are the basics of cosmetics?
Category: Health & Beauty > Beauty & Style
Keywords: basic, safe, risk, problem, ingredient, makeup, cosmetics
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 412    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

Cosmetics are put on the body to:
  • cleanse it
  • make it beautiful
  • make it attractive
  • change its appearance or the way it looks

Cosmetic products include:

  • skin creams
  • lotions
  • perfumes
  • lipsticks
  • fingernail polishes
  • eye and face make-up products
  • permanent waves
  • hair dyes
  • toothpastes
  • deodorants

Unlike drugs, which are used to treat or prevent disease in the body, cosmetics do not change or affect the body's structure or functions.

What's in cosmetics?

Fragrances and preservatives are the main ingredients in cosmetics. Fragrances are the most common cause of skin problems. More than 5,000 different kinds are used in products. Products marked "fragrance-free" or "without perfume" means that no fragrances have been added to make the product smell good.

Preservatives in cosmetics are the second most common cause of skin problems. They prevent bacteria and fungus from growing in the product and protect products from damage caused by air or light. But preservatives can also cause the skin to become irritated and infected. Some examples of preservatives are:

  • paraben
  • imidazolidinyl urea
  • Quaternium-15
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • phenoxyethanol
  • formaldehyde

The ingredients below cannot be used, or their use is limited, in cosmetics. They may cause cancer or other serious health problems.

  • bithionol
  • mercury compounds
  • vinyl chloride
  • halogenated salicyanilides
  • zirconium complexes in aerosol sprays
  • chloroform
  • methylene chloride
  • chlorofluorocarbon propellants
  • hexachlorophene

Are cosmetics safe?

Yes, for the most part. Serious problems from cosmetics are rare. But sometimes problems can happen.

The most common injury from cosmetics is from scratching the eye with a mascara wand. Eye infections can result if the scratches go untreated. These infections can lead to ulcers on the cornea (clear covering of the eye), loss of lashes, or even blindness. To play it safe, never try to apply mascara while riding in a car, bus, train, or plane.

Sharing make-up can also lead to serious problems. Cosmetic brushes and sponges pick up bacteria from the skin. And if you moisten brushes with saliva, the problem can be worse. Washing your hands before using make-up will help prevent this problem.

Sleeping while wearing eye make-up can cause problems too. If mascara flakes into your eyes while you sleep, you might wake up with itching, bloodshot eyes, infections, or eye scratches. So be sure to remove all make-up before going to bed.

Cosmetic products that come in aerosol containers also can be a hazard. For example, it is dangerous to use aerosol hairspray near heat, fire, or while smoking. Until hairspray is fully dry, it can catch on fire and cause serious burns. Fires related to hairsprays have caused injuries and death. Aerosol sprays or powders also can cause lung damage if they are deeply inhaled into the lungs.

To find out more about cosmetic safety, check out the FDA's Cosmetics True or False Quiz at and find out how much you really know!

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