When peering at the screen, poor head posture can put pressure on the nerves in the neck, causing referred pain in the head, neck, shoulders, arms or hands. Here are some suggestions to help them reduce these pains:
First, keep the distance as far away as possible from the computer, provided it can still be read easily, and sit in a right posture.
Second, lower the screen to a position where you can see it clearly without tilting your head back, your head should be slightly tilted forward. Let the monitor level with your eyes.
Third, either move the armrests or get a chair with height adjustable armrests. Set your chair at the correct height. Ensure your seating is adequate.
Back pain is one of the most common medical problems now, whose cause is often poor posture and body mechanics in the workplace. The correct posture and body mechanics play a vital role in preventing back pain, and sitting either in a relaxed position,or while at work, use a rolled towel, small pillow to support your lower back. Use a swivel chair to enable you to work without twisting your back.
Appropriate exercise, done regularly, will provide the strength and flexibility in the muscles of your legs and back that you need to help avoid excessive strain and possible injury.