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    Question ID:   2799         Current Version: 1
Question: How to store fresh fruits and vegetables?
Category: Food & Drink > Other
Keywords: way, method, tip, fresh, fruits, vegetables, store, storage
Type: how
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 350    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Apples Refrigerate to prevent further ripening. Apples can keep for up to six weeks. Check apples often, and remove any apples that begin to decay, or the others will do the same.

Bananas Keep at room temperature to further ripen. Once ripe, store in refrigerator for up to 3 to 5 days. Although the peel will turn dark brown, the fruit is good.

Bell Peppers Store unwashed bell peppers in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Peppers should stay fresh for about a week.

Broccoli Store broccoli unwashed in an open plastic bag and place in refrigerator crisper. Use within a day or two after purchasing.

Carrots Refrigerate carrots in the crisper section. Carrots should last several weeks.

Corn Cook corn shortly after purchase for the best taste. If not, store in the refrigerator. Keep it in its husk until you are ready to cook it. For best flavor, eat within a couple of days.

Garlic Store garlic bulb in a cool, dark place with low humidity out of the refrigerator. Garlic should last for several weeks.

Lemons Store at room temperature or in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Lemons should keep for about two weeks at room temperature or six weeks in the refrigerator. Cut lemons should be refrigerated and used as quickly as possible.

Lettuce Keep unwashed lettuce in plastic bags in the crisper section of the refrigerator. Salad greens should be stored separately from fruits. Lettuce can last up to two weeks.

Onions Store in a cool, dry, open space away from bright light. Because onions absorb moisture, do not store onions below the sink. Do not place onions near potatoes because potatoes give off moisture. Depending on the season, onions may last two to four weeks.

Oranges Keep oranges at room temperature or in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Oranges will generally keep for up to two weeks.

Potatoes Store in a cool, dry place. Sunlight can cause the skin of brown potatoes to turn green. Remove any green spots before using. Potatoes will keep for three to five weeks.

Spinach Pack unwashed spinach lightly in a cellophane or plastic bag, and store in the refrigerator crisper. Spinach should be eaten within three to four days.

Squash Place summer squash in plastic bags and store in the refrigerator. Squash should keep for about a week. Winter squash has a longer shelf life and may be stored in a cool, dry place for up to three months.

Tomatoes Store at room temperature away from sunlight until fully ripened. Ripe tomatoes may be stored in the refrigerator and used within a week.

Mangos Store mangos at room temperature and out of sun. The ideal temperature for mangos is 55°F. Mangos should have a shelf life of one to two weeks. Store cut mangos in plastic bag for no more than three days.

General Storing Tip: For fruits and vegetables that require refrigeration, store the fruits and vegetables in separate crisper sections to prevent exposure to ethylene gas, which is produced by some fruits, and decreases the storage life of certain vegetables.

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