Question: |
Which cooking method is best for retaining the nutrients in fruits and vegetables? |
Category: |
Food & Drink > Cooking & Recipes |
Keywords: |
food, cook, way, method, retain, nutrient, fruit, vegetable |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 358 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Answer: |
There is no one right way to cook a particular food, and no matter how careful you are, food preparation of any kind results in some nutrient loss. However, certain techniques can help you minimize nutrients lost. Try these methods next time you cook fruits or vegetables.
- Use a steamer or cook in small amounts of water. If possible, use the leftover cooking liquid in a soup or another dish.
- Cook fruits and vegetables "just until tender" and avoid overcooking.
- Cut and cook fruits and vegetables in pieces that are as large as possible to reduce exposure to air that destroys some vitamins.
- Cook fruits and vegetables as soon as possible after cutting. Prepare fruits and vegetables as close to serving time as possible.
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