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    Question ID:   2344         Current Version: 1
Question: Are there any tips for providing care for an aging loved one?
Category: Health & Beauty > Seniors
Keywords: provide, support, help, tip, guideline, elder, senior, aging, care
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 824    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

U.S. Ponpulation statistics show that six million people aged sixty-five or older need long-term care, with one in two persons over eighty-five years of age requiring care. It's easy to see why most of us think of long-term care as something needed by older people. But an accident or illness can strike at any age. Historically, the extended family group provided care when needed. But today's families are smaller and often scattered across the country, adding an extra challenge to caring for an aging loved one.

Twenty-five percent of all workers provide some form of eldercare for those aged sixty-five and older. Accordingto a 2004 survey conducted by AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving, 59% of caregivers are currently employed; 48% work full time while 11% are employed part-time. A study by these groups projected that by 2007 the number of households providing care to persons aged fifty and older may reach thirty-nine million.

The possibility that you may become a caregiver to a family member may or may not have crossed your mind. Perhaps you have discussed changing needs with with a loved one, have assumed more responsibilities for your aging parent or relative, or you may even have even done some planning for the future. A more likely scenariois that an unexpected event - a visit to your loved one, or a call from a physician or neighbor- will make you aware that assistance is needed. The need for care may be related to a sudden event such as a stroke, or to a gradual process such as the onset of dementia. In either event, you may not be sure where to begin.

Things you need to pay attentions to include:

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