Question: |
How do I help an elder to organize document and paperwork? |
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Health & Beauty > Seniors |
Keywords: |
help, assist, tip, elder, senior, aging, organize, manage, document, paperwork |
Type: |
how |
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Encourage your loved one to organize important documents and medical information. Offer your help. It's critical that this be done while your loved one is medically and mentally competent. For example, if he or she has specific wishes for end of life care, they need to be documented before they're needed.
Important Documentation
The following documents should be assembled in one place so they're available when needed:
- Medicare card
- Social Security card
- All health insurance ID cards
- Copy of the birth certificate
- Names, phone numbers and addresses of doctor(s). Note: If your loved one wants you to be able to discuss medical issues with the doctor, ask him or her to complete privacy release forms. Keep them on file with the doctor's office.
- List of current medications and the name and phone number of the corresponding pharmacy and prescribing physician.
- Will, Living Will, and Powers of Attorney. Ask if you may make copies for yourself. If these documents don't exist, encourage your loved one to prepare them. If you're reluctant to do so, ask the doctor to discuss the medical issues and / or the attorney or financial advisor the other issues.
- Copies of insurance policies, including life insurance and long-term care insurance.
- Information about finances including the name and contact information for the tax preparer or accountant. Note: Ask your loved one where he or she keeps the financial records.
Create a laminated Reference Sheet
It is a good idea for every senior to have a complete list of emergency telephone numbers and information. Laminate the list and put it in an obvious place (e.g.,the refrigerator door,or bythe phone) so it will be available for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) or others who may need it. The sheet should contain at least the following information:
- Senior's name, address, and telephone number, his or her birth date, social security number, and medical insurance information (e.g., Medicare and supplemental insurance information).
- Name and contact information for primary care giver.
- Primary physician's name and contact information.
- A list of all medications and dosages.
- Phone number of pharmacy.
- Names and contact information for other caregivers, relatives.
- Specialist medical personnel and their contact information (e.g., Cardiologist).
- Whether or not your loved one has a living will.
Check out more about elder care.
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How do I help an elder to organize document and paperwork?
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