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    Question ID:   2330         Current Version: 1
Question: How do I develop a plan to take care of an elder?
Category: Health & Beauty > Seniors
Keywords: develop, plan, elder, senior, aging, care, support
Type: how
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 485    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

A care plan will define the services and support needed to provide appropriate care. Developing a care plan is a four-step process that you can adapt to your specific circumstances.

1. List the needs for support and additional care. These will generally fall into the areas shown in the table below:

Areas of Support Seniors May Need
  • Housekeeping - laundry, shopping, and household paperwork
  • Social and safety needs- transportation services, companionship, and daily telephone checks
  • Nutrition- meal planning, cooking, and meal delivery
  • Health care - nursing, social work, physical and rehabilitative therapy, and medication monitoring
  • Personal care- assistance with personal hygiene, medical equipment, dressing, bathing, and exercise

2. Figure out who can devote the necessary time / attention to provide support (e.g., siblings, friends, etc.).

3. Make a list of specific help needed (e.g., laundry once a week).

4. Get specific commitments (e.g., Cousin Julius will do the shopping every Saturday). These commitments need to include, as appropriate, a statement of who, what, when, where, and how.

Depending on the senior's needs, the plan may simply outline a schedule for house visits by you and other family members. Or, it may identify community resources that will provide additional support, including meals (e.g., Meals on Wheels), transportation services, and visiting nurses. Consider whether you or a family member may be able to handle the responsibility. In some cases, you may want to consider seeking other forms of supportive, nutrition, or preventive health services and caregiver support services that are funded in part through the Older Americans Act and administered by the U.S. Administration on Aging. For more information about local services, contact the Eldercare Locator at or at In some cases, you may need to employ a service to supply live-in aide(s) to provide full-time care or consider assisted living or nursing home placement. No doubt, you'll need to revise the care plan as needs change. For example, you would need to adjust the plan when:

  • The senior's needs increase or decrease (e.g., recovery from a stroke).
  • A caregiver quits or withdraws.
  • Your life situation changes (e.g.,retirement).
Check out more about elder care
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