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    Question ID:   2201         Current Version: 1
Question: What significance would it have to us on earth if we found that life once existed on Mars?
Category: Science > Astronomy & Space
Keywords: significance, importance, life, exist, Mars, astrobiology, space, biology
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 226    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

Finding life on Mars would excite researchers for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it would just be interesting to know that life did (or does) exist elsewhere in the universe. Humans have been wondering about this question almost as long as we have been in existence. Finding evidence that suggests that we may not be alone, that Earth is not the only planet capable of sustaining life, would be an amazing revelation. As for scientists, many want to know how and why life was created on Earth. Finding evidence of life on Mars may help elucidate the issue. Finding out why life no longer exists on Mars may also give scientists insights as to geologic and planetary changes that may be of importance to life on Earth.

Life on Mars is really part of the discipline called "Astrobiology", which is somewhat different from space biology.

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