Question: |
Red wine versus white wine, which one is better for your health? |
Category: |
Food & Drink > Beer, Wine & Spirits |
Keywords: |
red, white, wine, alcohol, health, benefit, compare, difference |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (2 ratings) Views: 3546 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Some people might think red wine is more healthy than white wine to human beings. A historical reason for this is the "French paradox".
"French paradox" refers to the fact that the French, despite eating a diet relatively rich in saturated fats, have significantly less coronary heart disease than other similarly indulgent countries. It was then suggested that France's high red wine consumption is a primary factor.
Dr. Philp Norrie published an article ("Red wine versus white wine - is there a difference in health benefit?") arguing that "it does not matter whether the wine is white or red as long as it is consumed in moderation and on a regular daily basis; then you will gain significant health benefits.". In the article, he points out:
- Consuming alcohol in moderation can reduce mortality from all causes (cardiovascular disease, cancer, stress) by 30-50%.
- The researcher of "French Paradox" did not even specify in his paper red or white wine.
- Some research found that white wine is more effective in reducing radicals and bloods' clotting ability.
Dr. Philp Norrie concludes that "What does matter is that we are not side tracked from the important issue that drinking moderately and responsibly lengthens and enhances life, by which or what alcoholic beverage is better for you. Remember that all alcohol offers protective effect from coronary heart disease and total mortality."
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Red wine versus white wine, which one is better for your health?
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