Question: |
What the Presidents' Day (Third Monday in February) holiday is about? |
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Society & Culture > Holidays & Traditions |
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holiday, tradition, history, culture, Presidents' Day |
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Until 1971, both February 12 and February 22 were observed as federal holidays to honor the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12) and George Washington (Feb. 22).
In 1971 President Richard Nixon proclaimed one single federal holiday, the Presidents' Day, to be observed on the third Monday of February, honoring all past presidents of the United States of America.
Please Note: The Federal statute designates this day as Washington's Birthday, President Nixon issued a proclamation declaring the holiday as "Presidents' Day" in 1971. President Nixon erroneously believed that a Presidential proclamation on the matter carried the same weight as an Executive Order.
Since that change in 1971, the common term has been "Presidents' Day".
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What the Presidents' Day (Third Monday in February) holiday is about?
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