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    Question ID:   19351         Current Version: 1
Question: When might an Interest-Only mortgage payment or a payment-option ARM be or not be right for you?
Category: Business & Finance > Renting & Real Estate
Keywords: be, not, right, Interest-Only mortgage payment, payment-option ARM
Type: when
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 25    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

When might an Interest-Only mortgage payment or a payment-option ARM be right for you?

Despite the risks of these loans, an I-O mortgage payment or a payment-option ARM might be right for you if the following apply:

  • you have modest current income but are reasonably certain that your income will go up in the future (for example, if you're finishing your degree or training program),
  • you have sizable equity in your home and will use the money that would go toward principal payments for other investments, or
  • you have irregular income (such as commissions or seasonal earnings) and want the flexibility of making I-O or option-ARM minimum payments during low-income periods and larger payments during higher-income periods.

When might an I-O mortgage payment or a payment-option ARM not make sense?

Interest-only or option-ARM minimum payments may be risky if you won't be able to afford the higher monthly payments in the future. For example, suppose you are in the market for a home and can afford a monthly payment of about $1,100. Depending on the interest rate, with a traditional 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, you might expect to get a $180,000 mortgage. A lender or broker could offer you an I-O mortgage payment of $1,100 monthly that might enable you to get a $215,000 mortgage--and, therefore, a more expensive house. But keep in mind that your payments could go up because of interest rate increases when the I-O period ends, or when the loan is recalculated. Your $1,100 monthly payment could jump to $1,340 or more. If you cannot reasonably expect to make this larger payment when the time comes, you might want to think about a different type of loan.

Source: Federal Reserve Board
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