Question: |
What are fund sales loads? |
Category: |
Business & Finance > Investing |
Keywords: |
mutual fund, fee, sales charge, loads |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 59 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Funds that use brokers to sell their shares typically compensate the brokers. Funds may do this by imposing a fee on investors, known as a "sales load" (or "sales charge (load)"), which is paid to the selling brokers. In this respect, a sales load is like a commission investors pay when they purchase any type of security from a broker. Although sales loads most frequently are used to compensate outside brokers that distribute fund shares, some funds that do not use outside brokers still charge sales loads.The SEC does not limit the size of sales load a fund may charge, but FINRA does not permit mutual fund sales loads to exceed 8.5%. The percentage is lower if a fund imposes other types of charges. Most funds do not charge the maximum.
There are two general types of sales loads-a front-end sales load investors pay when they purchase fund shares and a back-end or deferred sales load investors pay when they redeem their shares. Source: SEC
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What are fund sales loads?
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