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    Question ID:   1931         Current Version: 1
Question: Are there tips for nutritional needs while breastfeeding?
Category: Family & Relationships > Parenting
Keywords: vitamin, diet, healthy, food, woman, need, nutrient, baby, milk, breastfeeding, breastfeed
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 550    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


When you are breastfeeding, you have a higher need for some vitamins and minerals. Following your Mom plan will meet most of these increased needs.

On the entry page for the Plan:

  • Select "Breast milk only, no formula" if you are not giving any formula. (Choose this even if you are also giving solid foods such as cereal or fruit.)
  • Select "At least half breast milk, plus some formula" if you are sometimes giving formula in addition to breastfeeding at least half the time.
  • Select "Some breast milk, mostly formula" if you are mostly giving formula, and breastfeeding only once or twice a day.

In each food group, choose foods that have the vitamins and minerals you need. Try to see the best sources of these vitamins and minerals. Choose these foods often to make sure you meet your nutrient needs while you breastfeed.

Also make choices that are low in "extras." Extras are added sugars and solid fats in foods like soft drinks, desserts, fried foods, cheese, whole milk, and fatty meats. Look for choices that are low-fat, fat-free, unsweetened, or with no-added-sugars. They have fewer "extras."

While you are breastfeeding, your need for fluids increases. You may notice that you are thirstier than before. Drink enough water and other fluids to quench your thirst.

A common suggestion is to drink a glass of water or other beverage every time you breastfeed. Some beverages, such as soft drinks and fruit drinks, contain added sugars. Limit your intake of these beverages.

Drinking a moderate amount (up to 2 to 3 cups a day) of coffee or other caffeinated beverages does not affect your baby. The Dietary Guidelines recommend that breastfeeding women not drink alcoholic beverages. Any alcohol that is in your bloodstream while you are breastfeeding can pass into breast milk.

Vitamin and mineral supplements cannot replace a healthy diet. In addition to eating a healthy diet, some breastfeeding women may need a multivitamin and mineral supplement. Talk with your health care provider about taking a supplement, and follow his or her advice. Be sure to tell your provider about any supplements you are already taking, to protect yourself against taking too much.

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