Vegetable choices should be selected from among the vegetable subgroups. It is not necessary to eat vegetables from each subgroup daily. However, over a week, try to consume the amounts listed from each subgroup as a way to reach your daily intake recommendation.
The amount of vegetables you need to eat depends on your age, sex, and level of physical activity. Recommended total daily amounts are shown in the first chart. Recommended weekly amounts from each vegetable subgroup are shown in the second chart.
Daily recommendation*
2-3 years old
1 cup**
4-8 years old
1 ½ cups**
9-13 years old
2 cups**
14-18 years old
2 ½ cups**
9-13 years old
2 ½ cups**
14-18 years old
3 cups**
19-30 years old
2 ½ cups**
31-50 years old
2 ½ cups**
51+ years old
2 cups**
19-30 years old
3 cups**
31-50 years old
3 cups**
51+ years old
2 ½ cups**
*These amounts are appropriate for individuals who get less than 30 minutes per day of moderate physical activity, beyond normal daily activities. Those who are more physically active may be able to consume more while staying within calorie needs.
Vegetable subgroup recommendations are given as amounts to eat WEEKLY. It is not necessary to eat vegetables from each subgroup daily. However, over a week, try to consume the amounts listed from each subgroup as a way to reach your daily intake recommendation.
Dark green vegetables
Orange Vegetables
Dry beans and peas
Starchy vegetables
Other vegetables
2-3 years old
1 cup
½ cup
½ cup
1 ½ cups
4 cups
4-8 years old
1 ½ cups
1 cup
1 cup
2 ½ cups
4 ½ cups
9-13 years old
2 cups
1 ½ cups
2 ½ cups
2 ½ cups
5 ½ cups
14-18 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
3 cups
6 ½ cups
9-13 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
3 cups
6 ½ cups
14-18 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
6 cups
7 cups
19-30 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
3 cups
6 ½ cups
31-50 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
3 cups
6 ½ cups
51+ years old
2 cups
1 ½ cups
2 ½ cups
2 ½ cups
5 ½ cups
19-30 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
6 cups
7 cups
31-50 years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
6 cups
7 cups
51+ years old
3 cups
2 cups
3 cups
3 cups
6 ½ cups
What counts as a cup of vegetables?
In general, 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw leafy greens can be considered as 1 cup from the vegetable group. The chart lists specific amounts count as 1 cup of vegetables (in some cases equivalents for ½ cup are also shown) towards your recommended intake:
Amount that counts as 1 cup of vegetables
Amount that counts as ½ cup of vegetables
Dark-Green Vegetables
1 cup chopped or florets
3 spears 5" long raw or cooked
Greens (collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale)
1 cup cooked
1 cup, cooked
2 cups raw is equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
1 cup raw is equivalent to ½ cup of vegetables
Raw leafy greens: Spinach, romaine, watercress, dark green leafy lettuce, endive, escarole
2 cups raw is equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
1 cup raw is equivalent to ½ cup of vegetables
Orange Vegetables
1 cup, strips, slices, or chopped, raw or cooked
2 medium
1 medium carrot
1 cup baby carrots (about 12)
About 6 baby carrots
1 cup mashed, cooked
1 large baked (2 ¼" or more diameter)
1 cup sliced or mashed, cooked
Winter squash (acorn, butternut, hubbard)
1 cup cubed, cooked
½ acorn squash, baked = ¾ cup
Dry beans and peas
Dry beans and peas (Such as black, garbanzo, kidney, pinto, or soy beans, or black eyed peas or split peas
1 cup whole or mashed, cooked
1 cup ½" cubes (about 8 ounces)
1 piece 2 ½ " x 2 ¾ " x 1" (about 4 ounces)
Starchy Vegetables
Corn, yellow or white
1 cup
1 large ear (8" to 9" long)
1 small ear (about 6" long)
Green peas
1 cup
White potatoes
1 cup diced, mashed
1 medium boiled or baked potato (2 ½ " to 3" diameter)
French fried: 20 medium to long strips (2 ½" to 4" long) (Contains discretionary calories.)
Amount that counts as 1 cup of vegetables
Amount that counts as ½ cup of vegetables
Other Vegetables
Bean sprouts
1 cup cooked
Cabbage, green
1 cup, chopped or shredded raw or cooked
1 cup pieces or florets raw or cooked
1 cup, diced or sliced, raw or cooked
2 large stalks (11" to 12" long)
1 large stalk (11" to 12" long)
1 cup raw, sliced or chopped
Green or wax beans
1 cup cooked
Green or red peppers
1 cup chopped, raw or cooked
1 large pepper (3" diameter, 3-¾" long)
1 small pepper
Lettuce, iceberg or head
2 cups raw, shredded or chopped = equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
1 cup raw, shredded or chopped = equivalent to ½ cup of vegetables
1 cup raw or cooked
1 cup chopped, raw or cooked
1 large raw whole (3")
1 small raw whole (2 ¼ ")
1 cup chopped or sliced, raw, canned, or cooked
1 medium canned
Tomato or mixed vegetable juice
1 cup
½ cup
Summer squash or zucchini
1 cup cooked, sliced or diced