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    Question ID:   1864         Current Version: 3
Question: What are the top scenic spots in San Diego?
Category: Travel > Attractions
Keywords: top, scenic spots, tourist sights, San diego, California
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 1178    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


San Diego is the second largest city in California.  Its 70 miles of beaches, a gentle Mediterranean climate and its unique location make her on the top list of popular tourist spots in US.

Besides its popular attractions such as Sea World, San Diego Zoo, San Diego Wild Animal Park and etc., here are several beaches you shouldn't miss during your visit.

La Jolla: Beautiful and picturesque, La Jolla's possibilites for adventure are as limitless as your imagination. High atop the cliffs, golfers tee off on world-class courses, while sightseers explore caves, museums and other intriguing landmarks.  

Mission Bay is used by motorboaters, sailboaters, rowers, waterskiers, picnickers, joggers, and swimmers. It is also home to many species of birds, fish, and other animals and has a nature reserve at it's northern end near Crown Point.

Point Loma and Cabrillo National Monument

Here are several must-go islands in San Diego.

Harbor Island

Coronado Island: you can drive through or take a half-hour ferry from the downtown.  A classic historic hotel on the island, Hotel Del Coronado, was built in 1888 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977.

Embarcadero Island

Balboa park is the largest urban cultural park in US.  Kids will find a lot of activities there to enjoy and explore.

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