Question: |
What should I do if I'm caught out in the open during a thunderstorm and no shelter is nearby? |
Category: |
Science > Weather |
Keywords: |
safety, ourdoor, crouch, tip, struck, thunderstorm, lightning |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 369 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
There are NO SAFE PLACES outdoors during a lightning storm. To minimize your chance of being struck, crouch down on the balls of your feet (a position known as "The Lightning Crouch") and cover your ears. The Lightning Crouch will minimize your chances of being struck, but it WILL NOT guarantee your safety.
It is not a good idea to lie flat on the ground to get as low as possible. Lying flat on the ground was once thought to be the best course of action, but this advice is now decades out of date. When lightning strikes the earth, it induces currents in the ground that can be fatal up to 100 feet away. These currents fan out from the strike center in a tendril pattern, so in order to minimize your chance of being struck, you have to minimize BOTH your height AND your body's contact with the earth's surface.
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What should I do if I'm caught out in the open during a thunderstorm and no shelter is nearby?
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