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    Question ID:   18278         Current Version: 1
Question: Do you get enough magnesium (studies suggest type 2 diabetes risk may fall as magnesium intake increases)?
Category: Health & Beauty > Fitness and Nutrition
Keywords: magnesium, intake, affect, risk, type 2 diabetes
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 105    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Do you get enough magnesium in your diet? Were you aware it could possibly aid the prevention of diabetes type 2?

Dr. Ka He of the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill and colleagues have found that men and women who taken the most magnesium from foods and nutritional vitamin supplements were about half as likely to develop diabetes within the next two decades as folks who took in the least magnesium.

Within their study, the researchers looked at magnesium intake and diabetes risk in 4,497 women and men aged 18 to 30 years old, none of whom were diabetic in the study's outset. Within a 20-year follow-up period, 330 of the subjects developed diabetes.

People with the highest magnesium intake were 47 percent less prone to develop diabetes compared to those with the lowest intakes (average of 100 milligrams of magnesium per 1,000 calories).

The researchers noted, however, that large clinical trials testing the effects of magnesium on diabetes risk are essential to find out whether a causal relationship truly exists.

The final results of the study could explain why consumption of whole grain products, which can be an excellent source of magnesium, is related to lower diabetes risk. And while whole grain products really are a common supply of magnesium, there are numerous other sources of magnesium to think about.

Vegetables for example spinach are good sources because the middle of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives green vegetables their color) contains magnesium. Some legumes (beans and peas), nuts and seeds, and whole, unrefined grains will also be good sources.

Regular water can even be a source of magnesium, though the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is called "hard."

The proposed causes why an increased intake of magnesium could lower the risk for developing diabetes vary, but according to the National Institutes of Health, Magnesium plays a crucial role in carbohydrate metabolism. It may influence the release and activity of insulin, the hormone that helps manage blood glucose (sugar) levels.

The lesson? Increasing magnesium intake could be necessary for improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic inflammation, and decreasing diabetes risk.

And you? Exactly what are you looking forward to? Begin immediately to introduce more magnesium rich foods in your daily diet!


[1] Diabetes risk may fall as magnesium intake climbs, NIH

About Anna: Anna S. Bernstein is writing for the low glycemic diet website, her personal hobby blog about suggestions to help individuals to prevent Diabetes and improve the awareness on healthy eating.

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