Question: |
Are there any liquids that have a lower density as a solid than a liquid other than water? |
Category: |
Science > Chemistry |
Keywords: |
expand, cool, freeze, liquid, lower, larger, density, solid, water |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 48 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
One of the wonderful things about water is that it is totally unique and very mysterious. There are people who are still doing research on water today and making new discoveries.
In general, compounds that pack tetrahedrally in the solid phase will be less dense in the solid than the liquid. This is because tetrahedral packing is not very efficient; it leaves a lot of empty space.
There are liquids that have a lower density as a solid than a liquid other than water. For example, liquid gallium and liquid germanium. Also, many other elemental substances can behave this way at high pressures (i.e., gigaPascals). Bismuth also has this property.
Source: Argonne National Laboratory
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Are there any liquids that have a lower density as a solid than a liquid other than water?
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