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What is the Irish American Heritage Museum, Albany, New York? |
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Arts & Entertainment > Museums & Galleries |
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Irish American Heritage Museum, Albany , New York |
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Founded in 1986, the Irish American Heritage Museum in Albany is the only American museum dedicated to the study and celebration of Irish American history and culture.
The museum develops and presents exhibitions, and sponsors activities to educate Irish Americans about their unique heritage, which also illustrate to other Americans the impact that Irish immigrants have had in our society. Past exhibitions have been "The Great Hunger," about the famine in the 1840s; "Home for the Heart," about Irish immigration to the United States; and "American Presidents of Irish Descent."
Public programs are held in East Durham during the summer, and at various locations in the Albany region throughout the year. The museum's research library and archives are used by scholars, genealogists, and the public to delve into Irish heritage. The nonprofit museum is a cultural and education organization chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of New York. Source: Library of Congress
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What is the Irish American Heritage Museum, Albany, New York?
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