Question: |
What physical activities can girls take? |
Category: |
Sports & Recreation > Other |
Keywords: |
life, health, girl, fitness, sports, exercise, physical, activity |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 416 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Including physical activity as a regular part of your life is one of the most important things you can do to improve your level of health and make you fit. What do you do for your body? Do you get enough physical activity? Each day, young people are encouraged to do about 60 minutes of moderate physical activity, like walking or riding a bike. At least three times a week, challenge yourself to 20 minutes of more intense activities, like jogging or step aerobics. Try to make every day an active day. Avoid long periods of time when you are completely inactive. Choose activities that you like to do. If you pick a sport or exercise program that you think is boring in the beginning, you might have a hard time staying with it. Here are some ideas of ways to get physical:
Take to your feet. Put your feet to the pavement and start walking. Your body will thank you for it. Plus, it cuts down on the air pollution of a car.
Try inline skating. This is a fun way to get your heart moving, while spending time with friends outdoors. Don't forget to wear protective gear (helmet and knee, wrist, and elbow pads).
Jump rope. Try Double Dutch for an extra challenge. Count how many times you can jump before stopping.
Take the stairs. Forget the elevator. By simply taking the stairs every chance you can, you'll get a workout without even thinking about it.
Walk the dog. Whether you get paid or volunteer, dog walking is a fun, furry way to be physically active.
Turn up the music. Shake, rattle, and roll to your favorite tunes. It doesn't matter how you dance as long as you move to the groove.
Bike there. Bikes go wherever you take them. Grab some friends and take a ride. Be sure to wear a helmet.
Earn extra cash. That's right, make money while you move. Try mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, shoveling the snow, and cleaning the garage.
Babysit. It may sound silly, but keeping up with a toddler is quite a workout. They move fast!
Lap it up. Swimming, diving, even water polo are all great activities and a real splash to do with friends.
Play one-on-one basketball. Talk about a total body workout! First player to 21 wins.
- Can you think of any others?
Questions to ask when you're thinking about a new physical activity:
- Is it fun? You won't want to do it if it isn't fun.
- Is it safe? Is there any protective equipment you should have?
- Is it available to you? Can you do it in or near your house or school? Does it require expensive equipment?
- Can you commit enough time to it?
- Do your friends enjoy it, too? It's always fun to exercise with friends.
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What physical activities can girls take?
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