Question: |
Can you leave a cover off of an in-ground pool all winter? |
Category: |
Home & Garden > Other |
Keywords: |
benefit, cover, in-ground, swimming pool, winter, care, maintenance |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 72 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Proper maintenance of your swimming pool after the season closes is one of the key elements in keeping your swimming pool investment running smoothly and safely for years to come. Your swimming pool will need to endure the harsh elements of winter for a very prolonged period of time. An investment in quality closing kit and a high quality long lasting pool winter cover will save you both time, and money when you reopen during next swimming season. Improper closing will create a lot of hassle, extra cost and effort on your part when you open the following year so let us take care of all your closing needs. These winter pool covers are some of the best available and will give you worry free service year after year.
Swimming pools lose energy in different ways, but evaporation is known to be the largest source of energy loss in pools. That's why, it is a must, if not, it is advisable to use a safety pool cover most especially if the pool is not in used. Covering the pool with a safety cover is the single most effective means of reducing heating costs.
Aside from reducing the heating costs, safety pool cover can also be used in protecting the pool from the dirts and other debris that will come into the pool water. It can also be essential to avoid the entrance of pets and small children inside the pool.
Following is a summary of the benefits offered by using a swimming pool cover:
- Retain heat in the pool, lowering expenses and extending the swimming season?
- Reduce the amount of chemicals required?
- Maintain cleaner water by keeping out leaves, dirt, and other debris?
- Prevent accidents and keep out unwanted visitors?
- Protect the pool from harsh winter elements?
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Can you leave a cover off of an in-ground pool all winter?
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