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    Question ID:   1776         Current Version: 1
Question: Can humans travel back or forward in time?
Category: Science > Physics
Keywords: human, travel, go, back, forward, time
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 253    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


The laws of science do not distinguish between the forward and backward directions of time -- yet they do distinguish the past from the future (time increases as disorder increases). There are some solutions to the equations of General Relativity which would allow for travel back and forth in time: (1) would require that you move faster than the speed of light, but we know that this cannot be done; (2) would require space-time to be very warped and a sort of "tunnel" between two space-time points to be present (called a "wormhole"). Such tunnels would not last long enough on their own for anyone to travel through them (unless the traveler discovered some way or built some machine which would keep the tunnel open). There are all sorts of other conditions which would have to be imposed on space-time in order for human beings to travel into the past. All of these conditions tend to conspire against time travel being more than a theoretical possibility. But, as of 1997, our understanding of physics causes the possibility of time travel to remain an open question.

NOTE: What has been said here is related to big objects like humans and the comments do not necessarily apply to very small (subatomic) objects.

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