Question: |
As a manager/researcher, what kind of information do you think you will be exploring through the Internet for research? |
Category: |
Science > Other |
Keywords: |
researcher, research, search, Internet, information |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 199 Discussions: 2 In Watch Lists: 1 |
An important step in the research process is to find general background information about your research topic. The information that you needs can be qualitative or quantitative. Before the Internet was available, you will have to go to a library to search for books and materials using your keywords or search for article and periodicals database and indexes using your keywords. The Internet gives you the flexibility of searching hundreds or even thousands of "libraries" without leaving your computer desk, as more and more information is provided through online access. However, some of the information you find on some websites may not be factual and are not peer-reviewed. When using Internet to search for information, you need to pay attention to the source of the information and how reliable and accurate the information is.
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As a manager/researcher, what kind of information do you think you will be exploring through the Internet for research?
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