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    Question ID:   17125         Current Version: 2
Question: Can I apply for a master program in Petroleum Engineering with a bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)?
Category: Education > Higher Education (College +)
Keywords: background, requirement, apply, graduate, master, program, Petroleum Engineering, school, admission
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 227    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


In general, the admission to a master program in Petroleum Engineering requires a bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering, or Geological Engineering etc. Following are some examples:

Mewbourne School of Petroleum & Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma:

"As a general rule, either his/her bachelor's degree or master's degree (or both) will be in PE or GE. Exceptional applicants who have bachelor and master degrees in other engineering or science fields may be admitted to the MPGE Graduate Program. Course work deficiencies may be necessary depending upon the applicant's background."

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston

"The Master's Level Degree Programs in Petroleum Engineering are ideal for any engineering graduate who desires to begin working or to improve his position in the upstream oil and gas industry. Undergraduate degrees in Petroleum, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering are all accepted for this program."

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering/Petroleum Geoscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology:

"Academic requirements: BSc/BEng degree or equivalent in Petroleum Engineering or Applied Geosciences. Applicants with a BSc/BEng degree in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering may also be considered for admission if they have relevant work experience from the petroleum sector. Candidates with a first degree in Applied Geosciences or Geology, will be considered for admission to the MSc programme in Petroleum Geosciences."

However, exception may be possible if you are very interested and passionate in Petroleum Engineering and already took some related courses in this areas. You should contact the admission office of each university of to find out their admission requirements and exceptional rules.

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