Question: |
What is a pelvic exam? |
Category: |
Health & Beauty > Women's Health |
Keywords: |
pelvic exam, examination |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 265 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
In a pelvic exam, the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum are felt to find any abnormality in their shape or size. During this exam, the doctor or nurse practitioner looks for redness, swelling, discharge, or sores on the outside and inside of the vagina. The doctor or nurse practitioner will also put two fingers inside the vagina and press on the abdomen with the other hand to check for cysts or growths on the ovaries and uterus. An instrument called a speculum is used to widen the vagina so that the upper portion of the vagina and the cervix can be seen.
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What is a pelvic exam?
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