Question: |
Why is it so hard to create controlled man-made fusion reactions? |
Category: |
Science > Physics |
Keywords: |
hard, create, controlled, man-made, neuclear fusion reaction |
Type: |
why |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 165 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
In order to get two nuclei to fuse, you basically have to get them to collide energetically. It turns out that colliding two beams of particles yields mostly scattering collisions, and few fusion reactions. Similarly, blasting a stationary target with a beam of energetic ions also yields too little fusion.
The upshot is that one must find some way to confine hot, energetic particles so that they can collide many many times, and finally collide in just the right way, so that fusion occurs. The temperatures required are upwards of 100 million degrees (Kelvin - it would be about 200 million Fahrenheit!). At these temperatures, your fusion fuel will melt/evaporate any material wall. So the big difficulties in fusion are
- getting the particles hot enough to fuse, and
- confining them long enough so that they do fuse.
Source: Lawrence Livermore National Lab
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Why is it so hard to create controlled man-made fusion reactions?
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