Question: |
What is the role of estate surveyors and valuers in the development of Niger delta? |
Category: |
Job & Careers > Other |
Keywords: |
role, development, estate surveyors, valuers, niger delta |
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what |
Rating: (1 ratings) Views: 730 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Real Estate is storage of wealth, an investment that provides security and a hedge against inflation. Due to the substantial capital involved in the acquisition of real estate and its vital role in all human activities, such as housing for living, office, shops and industrial accommodation for business and indeed, facilities for recreation, it is very imperative that proper care and handling be provided by professionals. The role of estate surveyors and valuers is to provide services in the area of acquisition and disposal, valuation, management and general supervision of investment in Real Estate. Estate surveyors and valuers are the land use advisers as they formulate, coordinate and control the orderly development of cities to enhance high degree of comfort and quality of life.
Role of the Estate Surveyor and Valuers
- Provide advise on site selection
- Land use planning
- Property and assets valuation
- Valuation for all purposes e.g. compensation, sale, rating, plant and machinery valuation
- Prepare feasibility and viability appraisals of housing development schemes
- Sourcing of funds on large housing schemes on behalf of clients
- Finance and development consultancy
- Project management monitoring and analysis
- Acts as project team leader
- At post construction stage, takes charge of the management and maintenance to ensure the property continues to command the economic rent and prestige to the property owner
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What is the role of estate surveyors and valuers in the development of Niger delta?
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