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    Question ID:   16254         Current Version: 1
Question: What is acrylamide?
Category: Science > Chemistry
Keywords: expose, exposure, acrylamide
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 413    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Acrylamide is a chemical used primarily as a building block in making polyacrylamide and acrylamide copolymers. Polyacrylamide and acrylamide copolymers are used in many industrial processes, such as the production of paper, dyes, and plastics, and in the treatment of drinking water and wastewater, including sewage. They are also found in consumer products, such as caulking, food packaging, and some adhesives. Trace amounts of acrylamide generally remain in these products.

Other ways humans are exposed to acrylamide

Food and cigarette smoke are the major sources of acrylamide exposure. Exposure to acrylamide from other sources is likely to be significantly less than that from food or smoking, but scientists do not yet have a complete understanding of all sources of exposure. Acrylamide and polyacrylamide are used in some industrial and agricultural procedures, and regulations are in place to limit exposure in those settings.

Source: National Cancer Institute

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