Question: |
May I move my home? |
Category: |
Home & Garden > Building & Remodeling |
Keywords: |
place, cost, location, foundation, installation, home, move |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 293 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Yes, but it's not common to do so. The transportation of a home can place considerable stress on its structure and contents. Nevertheless, if you do plan to move your home at some future time, make sure you check with the appropriate state authorities about transportation and zoning regulations. States have restrictions on weight, size and width that may prevent you from moving your home. If you relocate, make sure you use a professional transporter; never try to move the home yourself. It's also important to check the data plate zone maps in your home. These maps tell you the wind, snow and thermal zones for which your home was constructed. Use them to determine if the new location is suitable for your home.
Cost is another consideration. Besides transport expenses, which include licensing fees to take your home through a state, you'll have to pay for a new foundation, installation, and utility hook-ups.
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