Question: |
What makes a good teacher? |
Category: |
Education > Teaching |
Keywords: |
make, quality, become, good teacher |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 235 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
A good teacher serves as a role model, influences career choices and enable students to reach their potential. Following are some common qualities a good teacher has:
Committed to the work
- Focuses on educational needs of the students
- Works with passion
- Enthusiastic about work and about teaching
Encourages and appreciates diversity
- Does not stereotype or speak negatively of others
- Nurtures and encourages diversity
- Seeks and encourages understanding of, and respect for, people of diverse backgrounds
Interacts and communicates respect
- Communicates effectively with others
- Encourages input from others, listening deeply and giving credit for their contributions
- Acts with integrity
- Provides a model of high ethical standards
- Shows a caring attitude
Motivates students
- Encourages students to achieve their goals
- Provides constructive feedback
- Monitors progress of students and fosters their success
Brings a wide range of skills and talents to teaching
- Teaching is clearly presented and stimulates high-order thinking skills
- Presents difficult concepts comprehensibly
- Brings appropriate evidence to the critique
- Teaches memorably
Demonstrates leadership in teaching
- Contributes to course design and structure
- Contributes to publications on education
- Evidence of self-development in an educational context
- Demonstrates creativity in teaching strategies
- Committed to professional development in education
Encourages an open and trusting learning environment
- Creates a climate of trust
- Encourages students to learn from mistakes
- Helps students redefine failure as a learning experience
- Encourages student questions and engagement in the learning process
- Encourages student growth with appropriate behavior-based feedback
Fosters critical thinking
- Teaches students how to think, not what to think
- Encourages students to organize, analyze and evaluate
- Explores with probing questions
- Discusses ideas in an organized way
- Helps students to focus on key issues
- Trains students in strategic thinking
Encourages creative work
- Motivates students to create new ideas
- Fosters innovation and new approaches
Emphasizes teamwork
- Builds links at national and international levels in education
- Encourages students to work in teams
- Encourages collaborative learning
Seeks continually to improve teaching skills
- Seeks to learn and incorporate new skills, and information teaching
- Seeks feedback and criticism
- Keeps up to date in specialty
Provides positive feedback
- Listens to students and discovers their educational needs
- Values students, never belittles
- Provides constructive feedback
- Helps and supports people to grow
- Teaches students how to monitor their own progress.
The really good teachers are able to read a student's story, and recognize the remarkable opportunity to help author that story. The really good teachers know how to script confidence and success onto the blank pages. They know how to edit the mistakes. And they want to help write a happy ending. Really good teachers know they have the ability to make a student happy or sad, to make a student feel confident or unsure, to make a student feel wanted or discarded.
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What makes a good teacher?
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