Question: |
What is the average setting on an electric hot water heater? |
Category: |
Home Maintenance & Repairs > Heating & Cooling |
Keywords: |
average setting, hot, water, heater, temperature |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 329 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Typically, water heaters have three temperature settings: high, medium and low. These settings correspond roughly, depending on the age and condition of the water heater, to about 160°F for high, 140°F for medium, and 120°F for low. Most people have the temperature set to medium, or around 140°F. If it is not already there, you should consider lowering the thermostat to 120°F, which will save you about 3 to 5% in water heating costs for each 10°F reduction. You might want to consider a timer for your water heater that turns it off when not in use, say between 10 or 11 pm to 6 am. This would also lower your water heating costs by cutting down the amount of energy lost through the walls of the tank during the night. |
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What is the average setting on an electric hot water heater?
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