Question: |
How to take care of my pets during emergencies? |
Category: |
Home & Garden > Pests |
Keywords: |
pet, emergency, plan, take care of, shelter |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 373 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
The key to take care of your pets during emergencies is to plan ahead. Without an emergency plan, you will have little attention for your pets when disasters strike.
During an evacuation, most public shelter for people will not accept pets. If you do not have a plan in advance, you will have to leave your pets behind. Frightened animals can slip out open doors or parts of your home damaged by the disaster and get lost or injured.
The key is to plan ahead for your pets.
Emergency kits: pet food, water/food bowls, pet medicines, water handling supplies, special care instructions, immunization records with photos, toys and other comfort items.
Location: if the emergency shelter in your plan can not host pets, try to arrange a place at a veterinarian or kennel near to your staying.
Safety items: your pet need to have secure carriers or collapsible cages, collars, leashes, rabies, and owner ID tags.
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How to take care of my pets during emergencies?
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