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    Question ID:   1529         Current Version: 2
Question: Can anyone give me step by step guidelines on how to unlock my motorola L71?
Category: Other
Keywords: unlock, motorola L71, cell, cellular phone, guidelines, steps
Type: how
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 548    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


There are two main types of unlocking methods: unlocking using a software and unlocking with the unlock code.

Software Unlocking

Software unlocking uses a USB cable to connect your phone to your computer and reprogram the firmware to make your card SIM free. These solutions, will instantly unlock your phone. However, you will need a phone-compatible USB cable and Windows computer in order to use this method.

There are many online vendors selling unlocking software. They are priced around $30. The good software provider usually allows you to run free test to make sure the software works on your phone model. You can then purchase the software and get the required login password to use it to unlock your cell phone.

Unlock Code 

The other type of unlocking method, typically named IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) Unlocking, is based on manufacturer or network.

The IMEI number is a unique 15-digit identification number for your phone, which is displayed when you press *#06# on your phone's keypad. The IMEI is also printed on the back of your phone, usually underneath the battery. 

Instead of using software to unlock your phone, this solution retrieve the unlock code from the manufacturer or network databases. The safest way to get your unlock code is from your carrier. If your carrier refuses to help, third parties will sell you unlock codes for about $30.

Once you have your unlock code, do the following steps:

  1. Switch ON your phone with a not allowed Sim card (one that didn't come with the phone)
  2. the phone show 'Enter Special Code' or 'Enter Subsidy Code' and you can now enter your unlock code

* Note: If you get the prompt "Contact Service Provider" or "Phone Blocked" , please leave your phone on at that prompt for upto 8 hours. This will reset the phone's internal timer and automatically change the prompt to "Enter Subsidy Code" , at which point you should enter the unlock codes exactly as provided.

Service Providers

You could search the Web to find unlocking service providers if you need help to get the software or unlock code. Many service providers provide both types of services. Some even allow you to switch between the services if the requested one fails. Here are two examples of the unlocking service providers: Motorola IMEI Unlock Codes, Motorola SLVR L7 Software Unlock Motorola Cell Phone Subsidy Unlock Codes, Motorola Unlocking Software 

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