Question: |
What are the benefits of farm wetland? |
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Home & Garden > Lawn & Garden |
Keywords: |
benefit, farm, wetland |
Type: |
where |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 218 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
In the rural landscape, wetlands filter chemicals, excess nutrients, and sediment from flowing water, protecting streams and drinking water sources. They also provide habitat for many wildlife species.
Across the country, many farmers voluntarily return formerly drained wetlands in crop fields and pasture to fully functioning wetlands. Many of these acres were marginally productive and returning them to wetlands provides significant ecological, economic, water purification, and recreational benefits.
Many farmers enhance their wetlands with nesting structures for ducks and other birds, put in plants and annual seeding to provide winter food and cover for wildlife, and establish native wildflowers to make the landscape more attractive. Source: USDA
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What are the benefits of farm wetland?
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