Question: |
How does IT affect management decision making? |
Category: |
Business & Finance > Other |
Keywords: |
information system, affect, impact, management decision making, IT |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 169 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
A Decision Support System (DSS) is a class of information systems (including but not limited to computerized systems) that support business and organizational decision-making activities. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.
Benefits of DSS
- Increase problem identification speed
- Increase decision-making speed
- Increase the extent of analysis in decision making
- Improves personal efficiency
- Expedites problem solving (speed up the progress of problems solving in an organization)
- Facilitates interpersonal communication
- Promotes learning or training
- Increases organizational control
- Generates new evidence in support of a decision
- Creates a competitive advantage over competition
- Encourages exploration and discovery on the part of the decision maker
- Reveals new approaches to thinking about the problem space
- Helps automate the managerial processes.
[1] Decision support system,
[2] Executive information systems: Their impact on executive decision making, Leidner, Dorothy E.; Elam, Joyce J., Journal of Management Information Systems, Winter 1994, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p139, 17p
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How does IT affect management decision making?
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