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    Question ID:   1420         Current Version: 1
Question: Why is it important to get fit?
Category: Health & Beauty > Fitness and Nutrition
Keywords: exercise, benefit, health, important, fit, fitness
Type: why
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 665    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Physical fitness is a condition or state of being that helps you look, feel and do your best. It is the ability to do tasks full of energy, and still be able to do other things with your time, such as schoolwork and activities with family and friends. It is a basis for good health and well-being. Fitness involves performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the body. Fitness can also influence how alert you are and how you feel emotionally.

Exercise is an important part of a lifetime of good health! Exercising is also fun and is something you can do with friends. It also can help you:

There are many ways it can help you, both today and in the future.

Short-term, long-term benefits

Short-term benefits of exercise are the body's responses right after starting. The long-term benefits are improvements that occur over weeks, months, and years from regular exercising or training.

Some short-term benefits include:

  • Helps you feel good about yourself
  • Relaxes and refreshes your body
  • Gives you a break from daily routines and worries

Some long-term benefits include:

Most people can benefit from exercise. In fact, making physical activity a regular part of your life early on is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. If you have an injury or think there is a health reason why you may not be able to exercise safely, talk with your doctor before starting a new exercise program or sport. You should also talk with a doctor first if you have:

The more time you spend in front of the television or playing video games, the less time you have to be active. Not being active is called sedentary. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can cause weight gain and even obesity (dangerously high weight), which can lead to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. These three health issues can hurt your heart and make it easier for you to get certain diseases. Make physical activity a regular part of your life. It can help you protect your health!

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